How to Help Your Children in an International School Bangna

  • Posted on: 17 June 2022
  • By: dischool_admin

Moving to a new country comes with its fair share of pains and joys. Although it's an exciting opportunity for you and your family, it also has challenges. One of the significant difficulties you will have to overcome is helping your children settle in quickly in their new school. Moving to a foreign country with different cultures, ethos, and languages, it's even more challenging.

Fortunately, Di School has these quick tips to help you guide your child to a new international school, Bangna.  

Assist Your Young One to Adjust To the New Time Zones

One challenge you will likely encounter after moving to Thailand is adjusting to the new time zones. The first thing you and the kids need to do is change your schedule. Start by helping your child sleep early to wake up early the next day.

The recommended 8 hrs of sleep is essential as it can lead to better health and grades. After school, guide your child with homework and take him for a jog or stroll in Bagna to get used to the new location.

Create a New Morning Routine

It's no secret that children do well with routines as it gives them a sense of security. After moving to Bangna, you should take the time to create a new morning routine for your child to help them settle in quickly. You can start by instructing them to brush their teeth, comb their hair, and get dressed for school once they wake up.

Remember to encourage them to follow this morning routine to help them start their day the right way. 

Make Transport Arrangements

Your child might be confused once you move to a new environment. To make things easier for them, you should make transport arrangements before enrolling them in an international school in Bangna. Start by dropping your child off and picking them up after school. This will help until they get used to the new environment. 


Parents can help their children settle in quickly by playing an active role in their lives. Simple things like adjusting their routines and helping them get used to the new time zones can make a huge difference. 

Find out more detail about an international school in Bangna: