The Difference between an International School in Thailand and a Local School in Thailand

  • Posted on: 14 June 2023
  • By: dischool_admin

Thailand offers a diverse range of educational institutions catering to the locals and expatriates. Two prominent options available to parents are international schools and local schools. While both types of schools aim to provide education, they differ significantly in the curriculum, teaching methods, student body, cultural diversity, and resources. In this article, we will explore the key differences between international schools and local schools in Thailand.

Curriculum and Accreditation

One of the fundamental distinctions between international schools and local schools in Thailand lies in their curriculum. Local schools in Thailand typically follow the national curriculum by the Ministry of Education. This curriculum focuses primarily on Thai language, culture, and history, with limited exposure to foreign languages and international perspectives.

On the other hand, international schools in Thailand typically adopt an internationally recognized curriculum such as the International Baccalaureate (IB) program or the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) curriculum. These curricula provide a broader range of subjects and emphasize critical thinking, creativity, and global perspectives. International schools often have a more flexible approach to education, allowing students to pursue a wide subject based on their interests and future goals.

Teaching Methods and Resources

Local schools in Thailand generally adhere to traditional teaching methods, which often involve students' rote learning and teacher-centered instruction. The class sizes in local schools tend to be larger, which may limit individual attention and personalize education for students. While there are exceptions, local schools may have fewer resources for extracurricular activities, sports, and modern teaching tools such as interactive whiteboards or digital learning platforms.

In contrast, international schools in Thailand often employ more progressive and student-centered teaching methods. These schools promote interactive learning, critical thinking, and collaborative projects. Smaller class sizes allow teachers to provide individual attention and tailor instruction to each student's needs. International schools often invest in modern facilities, technology, and resources to enhance the learning experience, offering a broader range of extracurricular activities, sports programs, and access to libraries, science laboratories, and arts facilities.

Student Body and Cultural Diversity

Local schools in Thailand primarily cater to Thai students, resulting in a predominantly homogenous student body in terms of culture and nationality. While this can foster a strong national identity, it may limit exposure to diverse perspectives and international cultures.

In contrast, international schools in Thailand attract more diverse students, consisting of Thai and international students. This diversity promotes cultural exchange, global awareness, and understanding among students from different backgrounds. International schools often celebrate cultural festivals, organize international days, and encourage participation in multicultural activities to foster a sense of global citizenship.

Language of Instruction

Language plays a significant role in differentiating international schools from local schools in Thailand. Local schools primarily use the Thai language as the medium of instruction, and secondary is on English or other foreign languages.

International schools, however, prioritize English as the primary language of instruction. They often have qualified teachers who are native English speakers or proficient in the language. This focus on English helps students develop strong language skills, enabling them to communicate effectively. Some international schools also offer additional language programs, such as Thai, Mandarin, French, or Spanish, providing students with opportunities for multilingualism.


Choosing between an international school and a local school in Thailand depends on various factors, including a family's educational goals, cultural preferences, and long-term plans. Local schools offer a solid foundation in Thai language and culture, while international schools provide a broader global perspective and emphasize English language proficiency.

Ultimately, parents have to consider their children's unique needs and aspirations to make an informed decision. International schools and local schools in Thailand are an essential role in the Thai education system and contribute to the overall development and growth of students in different ways.